Each May, we commemorate Older Americans Month (OAM) to encourage and recognize the countless contributions that older adults make to our communities. Their time, experience, and talents enrich the lives of those around them....2

April is Autism Acceptance Month intended to not only help raise awareness of autism and its challenges, but also to celebrate neurodiversity and recognize the unique strengths and abilities of people with autism, rather than solely focusing on the challenges. In this article we will...2

April is Autism Acceptance Month. While Autism Awareness Month, as it was previously called, has helped raise awareness of autism and its challenges, some advocates argue that awareness campaigns can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and a deficit-based view of autism. ...2

National Women’s Day was first celebrated in New York City by the Socialist Party of America in 1909. Today the US celebrates a whole month designated as Women’s History Month, and International Women’s Day (IWD) is an official holiday in about 30 countries around the...2

In 1926, Dr. Carter G. Woodson instituted the first week-long celebration to raise awareness of African Americans' contributions to history. Fifty years later, the week became a month, and today February is celebrated as African American History Month. ...2