Allyship: Mastering the Practice of Inclusion– 7/16/2021

Date and TimeJuly 16th (7/16/2021)1 pm EDT (10 am PDT)


We are not all the same. We each bring our own skills, experiences, and backgrounds to our work. These differences are valuable assets that we are focusing on through allyship.

An ally actively promotes and inspires the advancement of an inclusive culture through intentional, positive, and conscious efforts, all of which benefit everyone and the whole workplace.

Join us on Friday, July 16th at 10 am PDT (1 pm EDT) as OurOffice CEO, Sonya Sepahban, and Roselle Rogers, VP of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Circa discuss allyship at a virtual Lunch and Learn as part of Circa’s annual Diversity Symposium.

Location: Online

Date: July 16th (7/16/2021)

Time: 1 pm EDT (10 am PDT)

Who: Sonya Sepahban and Roselle Rogers