Marine LTG Lori Reynolds on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Civilian businesses can bring in diverse talent at any level. The Marine Corps and other DoD services have to grow diversity from within. We are fortunate to talk to the highest-ranking female leader in the Marine Corps, until she retired earlier this year, about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
Join OurOffice CEO, Sonya Sepahban and LTG Lori Reynolds to hear about:
- LTG Lori Reynolds’ personal journey including her tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan
- Current state of DEI and the unique challenges faced by the Marine Corps and the DoD in general
- The General’s thoughts on DEI in 2022 and beyond
Location: Online
Date: December 2nd (12/02/2021)
Time:12:00 pm EST (09:00 am PST)
Who: LTG Lori Reynolds and Sonya Sepahban
Recertification Credits
SHRM Credit: 1 PDC

OurOffice Inc. is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®